
5 Things Entrepreneurs Can Do To Manage Anxiety

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When you own a business, there’s always a cloud of obligation dangling nearby ominously. Inevitably, there’s constantly something you could be working on to improve processes, communicate with customers more, sell more stuff, and expand to the biggest and best version of your biz possible.

It’s a never-ending cycle of to-do’s, the pressure to perform, an internal warfare to pushing you to always do more

Your company is 100% your responsibility — it’s successes and failures all rest on your shoulders.


You probably get ideas in the shower or while driving, or when your head hits the pillow and all you can think off is, how to document your thoughts so you do not forget it..

Does that sound familiar?


I mean, that’s some heavy, heavy stuff, girl. The stress and excitement,  anticipation and disappointment — all of it can easily weigh you down over time. The magnitude of responsibility can become all-consuming if we’re not aware and careful.


It’s a big reason why so many business owners I know, struggle with anxiety, and honestly, it makes sense. So today, I’m sharing 5 ways you can reclaim your peace and deal with anxiety constructively, no matter your circumstances or where you are on your entrepreneurial path or just in life.

1 - Give Yourself Reminders of the important and impactful work you have done

It can be hard to celebrate our accomplishments. I think it’s because we work so hard to achieve so many things, that when we get one of them checked off, we still logically know there’s a whole list of other things we want to reach.



But friend, you are worth loving on and celebrating, and you deserve to savor the good moments. There is power in revisiting your successes. Create a space that cheers on all the great things you’ve done and reflect on those when things are hard.



I have a folder on my desktop called “Kuddos”. Yea! you got me GIRL!!  My way to show myself some love to give myself a pat on my back regularly.


It gives me reason to believe what I am doing is bigger than what it appears to be. It is something that will bring a change in someones life. Maybe the someone reading this article or the someone who interacts with my content.



Another cool thing I do is that I have a journal that I call my “Evidence File” credit goes to Chalene Johnson for introducing me to this concept in her podcast.  More on that in an upcoming video, but in this journal I jot down my challenges, how I felt before, what I did to overcome them and how I felt after I overcame it.


This my friend is my testament of success. I do not need anyone telling me how good I am or how meaningful what I do is. It is all there in my evidence file helping me overcome my own moments of self sabotaging….. 



Yesss!! damn right, we as entrepreneurs do this to ourself all the time 🙁

2 - Keep a journal of gratitude and goals

Sometimes the biggest way to reshape our perspective is to see the blessings we already have, written down in front of us. It’s why Oprah says to make gratitude lists (and you should always listen to Oprah as I do… REALLY!!).


It’s not just a woo-woo practice to post on IG stories… It literally restructures your thoughts.


Gratitude can take you from “poor me” to “how did I get so lucky?” It doesn’t have to take a ton of effort or time, either.  Just put aside 5 minutes in the morning or evening to scribble down the things lately that bring you joy and thankfulness. They could be as small as snuggling with your kids or puppy or as major as getting your first sale.  


On the same note, writing out goals regularly is such a major way to map out how far we’ve come in our journey in life and business, and where we’re going next. Looking at your goals and gratitudes on paper will help you realize you’re doing a pretty dang job already, and you’ve got the Grit, Gifts, and Grace to keep going, even when it doesn’t feel like that all the time.


It is an awesome way to measure success and to calculate the distance you have to travel to your goal.


Al (for those who do not know him, is my fabulous husband 🙂 ).  He and I put down our 5 and 10 year goals every so often and what blows our mind is that we have  almost always met all that we put down. This happens without even intentionally keeping them on top of mind on a regular basis. 


There is something to be said about the power of pen to paper.  I have a free resource that can help you get started. Snag it below. .. 

3 - Set healthy boundaries - in your work and in your relationships

So many entrepreneurs work from home, so it feels like we could always be working or doing something productive for our business.


Hi, hello, I am so there with you. I get it. But it’s vital for your mental health to set rules for yourself that protect your personal time and relationships, and here’s the kicker: you gotta stick to them.


It might be shutting down email after 7 p.m., or schedule “off” time to take care of you, or putting aside a few hours a week to work out or do something fun and life-giving, like coffee with a friend. It could also be just some time you dedicate for “Self Care”.


Treat these as legitimate appointments that you commit to because I can promise that working from your morning alarm clock until your head hits the pillow at night is NOT healthy boundaries — or just plain healthy.


Same goes for boundaries with people. If your people in your life think you can get lunch every week because you work from home, or your spouse figures you’ve got errands handled since you have a more flexible work situation, then it’s time have honest conversations about your office hours and how you need their support in structuring your workweek.

4 - Let go of control and outsource what you don't need to do

This is pretty much a fact: entrepreneurs like control. Boom. Called out. (But also, I’m an entrepreneur, too. So…) It’s the main reason many of us got into our own line of business… We get to call the shots, initiate change, and help others based on our own dreams and aspirations. It’s pretty awesome, but it doesn’t mean you need to run the whole show solo.


What are your pain points? What do you NOT like doing or always put off doing? What isn’t in your natural realm of gifts and talents? These are the things you should feel welcome and encouraged to hand right off to somebody else. It is okay to get support and outsource, whether it’s in your business, at home, or with your family.


Nobody can do everything, and do it all well. So, let go of the reigns a tad, and allow help to come in and take some of the weight off your shoulders. You DO deserve to enjoy what you do — in fact, you’ll make a greater impact when you do.

The first thing I outsourced was my house cleaning! Ya all! know how much I love a clean environment!!


Not being able to get my family  abide by the rules was driving me nuts, not allowing me to focus on what I had to do…. so guess what?


I found an amazing person to help me with just that.
The craziest thing? It works. Now we have less bickering at home and I have the place just the way I desire…


Now, now no judging.. you may want to spend on dinners out and shoes and I choose to spend on buying my time back.. Make sense?


In the process I keep the money flowing and help another soul who is hustling to make a side income just like me.. Guess what that is the power of monetizing your skills and knowing I’ve helped just one other person can brighten even the darkest of days. 


Want to monetize yourself.. check out my resource below.

5 - Build or engage in a community of like minded individuals as your support System

Join an entrepreneurial group in your area, or find other business owners in your field on social media, or network with your perceived “competitors” (who could actually become friends and an opportunity for amazing advice, insight, and even referrals).


There’s nothing that feeds anxiety more than feeling like you’re doing this whole thing by yourself. I know it can be tough to navigate growth and obstacles and change alone — but you can make a very intentional choice to not do it alone.


All it takes is a little courage to step outside your comfort zone. I started a facebook community of like minded women who wanted to create a side hustle and get comfortable on video. Come join me there as it might be a good resource for you to feel held and supported as you approach new relationships in your business journey. Head over to FACEBOOK and join me there.


And just know — I’m right here with ya. I get the grind of trying to gracefully balance work with life. I know there are days when it all feels too overwhelming to even look at the to-do list, let alone start on it. I understand the worries and fears that can keep you up late into the night.


But with these few small and intentional steps, I know you’ll feel more space to breathe, reflect, and chase those dreams down with confidence and bliss. 


Go get ’em, my friend.

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